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Why Is STD Testing Important

Did you know there are nearly 20 million new STD cases every year? 

By testing for STDs regularly, you can protect yourself, safeguard your health, and give your current and future sexual partners the consideration they deserve. Here is what you need to know. 

STDs Do Not Care Who You Are 

Sexually transmitted diseases do not discriminate! You can make a six-figure salary or have a doctorate and still contract an STD. If you are sexually active, you are potentially at risk. STD testing is a wise choice because it only requires your blood, urine, or cell samples to identify what disease you have and how to treat it. And these days, with home testing options like the 247Labkit, you can test in private and avoid going to a clinic or doctor if you feel embarrassed or scared. 

Condoms Do Not Prevent All STDs 

Yes, condoms provide some protection, but they cannot and do not protect against all STDs. Herpes, for example, can be transmitted through direct skin contact with an infected area, like genital-to-genital contact. Since many STDs are subtle, you cannot simply look at your partner or date and assume that they are free of STDs. Any sexual activity puts you at risk, and only testing can reveal if a previous partner did pass along an STD to you. It is wise to test before and after all sexual encounters you have with a partner. 

You deserve to know of any STDs in your system. Knowledge that only STD testing can provide. 

Undiagnosed STDs Can Harm Your Health 

Even if you do not have symptoms, an STD can increase your risk of other diseases. 

Chlamydia, for example, is the most commonly reported STD in the U.S., yet 50 percent of men exhibit no symptoms at all. If you are diagnosed with this STD, a simple antibiotic treatment will cure it! However, if ignored and left untreated, chlamydia causes an increased risk of HIV, infertility, miscarriage, and preterm labor in women. Even worse, the disease can impact newborn babies by causing lung infections, conjunctivitis, and other complications. 

Do not avoid STD testing simply because you are scared or embarrassed. You have some convenient options at your fingertips. Some that provide you with discreet home testing and certified results in just days. No one has to know you are doing a sexual health test, but you. We recommend testing before and after every partner or every 3-6 months. 

Learn More About STDs, Let’s Dig Into It:- 9 Common Myths About STDs That Are Just Wrong! 

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